Vi har lyssnat på er, och som ett led i vårt arbete med att fortsätta vara Sveriges modernaste pantbank, lanseras nu vår nya hemsida som är snabbare, snyggare och mer användarvänlig än någonsin.
Under våren väntas fler exklusiva tjänster och uppdateringar.

Record high prices
We always value jewelry, watches, and other items based on their market value, not just their karat. If you change your mind, we’ll return the item free of charge.
Sefina Pantbank – Pawnshop
At Sefina Pantbank, we specialize in providing fast, secure, and flexible financial solutions through pawnbroking. With over 140 years of experience, we offer expert valuations for items like gold, jewelry, watches, and more, helping you unlock the hidden value in your possessions.
Our process is simple, transparent, and customer-focused, ensuring you receive a fair assessment and immediate payout. Whether you’re looking for a short-term loan or to sell a treasured item, our commitment is to deliver exceptional service and peace of mind.
Read more about how a pawnshop works.