
Spegel Mimesis från Please Wait to be Seated

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Spegel Mimesis från Please Wait to be Seated

PLEASE WAIT to be SEATED är ett ung danskt design företag.
Modellnamn: Mimesis 70
Designad av: All the way to Paris (AtwtP); Tanja Vibe/Petra Olsson Gendt.
Färg: Ask grå
Höjd: 70 cm
Bredd: 43 cm
Djup: 8,5 cm

"We mirror from birth – the environment, our careers, ourselves. 
We look for an angle, take a perspective, engage in reflection.
As Lewis Carroll’s Alice found, it’s a door to another world.
MIMESIS is an ancient Greek term that touches on the aesthetics of imitation and mimicry, 
and the tension between appearance and reality. 
MIMESIS is also said to be the “soul” of an artwork.
With its strong, clear lines MIMESIS frames an asymmetrical image 
of its surroundings. But are you looking in, or looking out?"

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Artikelnr: 039612-61-00-1
Direktköp: 795,00:-
Butik: Östergatan 35-39, 211 22, Malmö
Tel: 040-74 940
Email: [email protected]
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795:- Spegel Mimesis från Please Wait to be Seated